Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Boost Credit Union Members’ Financial Literacy

The more informed your members are about their finances, the more likely they’ll be to seek out your credit union’s products and services. This fact, tied to the credit union’s “people helping people” mission puts financial literacy at the forefront of most credit union’s concerns.

Did you know that:

  • 38% of teens say they’re unsure or unprepared to manage their own banking and personal finances. (2011 survey of high school seniors by Capital One)
  • 40% of adults gave themselves a grade of C, D or F on their knowledge of personal finance. (2013 Financial Literacy Study by National Foundation of Credit Counseling)
  • 78% said they could benefit from additional advice and answers to everyday financial questions from a professional. (2013 Financial Literacy Study by National Foundation of Credit Counseling)
  • 81% of parents feel it’s their responsibility to teach kids about money and savings. (DoughMain’s 2012 study)
Show your members that their financial literacy and well-being are a top priority for your credit union. Financial Resource Center (FRC) is an online tool that comes as an annual subscription, giving your members access to libraries of financially-related articles and financial calculators. CU Solutions Group can even customize your FRC to look like your credit union’s website.

Content is updated monthly and comes to you as a complete turnkey solution. For more information on FRC contact your CU Solutions Group business consultant at (800) 262-6285 or, or visit  

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