Wednesday, May 29, 2013

When Summer Comes to Your Credit Union and its Staff

 by Joyce Marsh
After our long winter, everyone is more than ready for some nice, warm weather.  Accompanying the warm weather may be “work-dread” days where employees would rather be spending time outside than in the credit union , precipitating a higher volume of sick call-ins. What are some reasons (besides nice weather) that may generate increased absences, which in turn cost your credit union money?
  • Legitimate Illnesses.  This is real life, so we know some employees will become ill.  Many places have instituted wellness programs to educate and encourage their workforce to make healthier choices, whether through formal or informal programs within their organization. A recent survey conducted by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index indicated absences as a result of employees with chronic health conditions accounts for a yearly bill of $84 billion in lost productivity. That may provide enough motivation to take a look at offering some type of wellness initiative.
  • Low Morale. Let’s face it. Some employees just don’t want to be at work … for a variety of reasons. You may gain some insight by opening dialogue with employees on a regular basis to find out what they like or don’t like about their job or the credit union. Provide options for employees to voice their concerns, perhaps through a suggestion box or small group meetings with supervisors and management. The important thing to remember is to listen and respond. If you solicit feedback, you don’t necessarily need to implement every idea but you should find some opinions that warrant further consideration.
  • Work Environment. Perhaps the cause for the sick day call-in is to avoid dealing with another coworker, attendance at a school function for a child or a problem supervisor. If any of these are the case, some changes in work environment may be the solution. Personnel issues, whether between coworkers or supervision, need to be addressed timely and appropriately. Oftentimes, providing flexibility in work schedules can solve other issues regarding scheduling time off for family events.
Whatever the reasons are, absences are expensive for employers. Hopefully the above items will generate some ideas to reduce absenteeism at your credit union and still provide opportunities for its employees to enjoy the warm summer days.

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