Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Infographics: Why Your Credit Union Needs Them

Is your credit union using infographics? Maybe a better question is do you know what an infographic is? An infographic is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data. According to a research study from 3M Corporation, 65 percent of people are mainly visual learners. Based on the research using creative visual elements like infographics helps potential members learn more about your credit union and what you can offer them.

So what should you incorporate in your infographics? You can include just about anything – the main point is to visually represent the information in an infographic. Here are some core infographics ideas that are perfect topics for your credit union to cover.

What a credit union is – One of the first infographics your credit union should have is one that describes what a credit union is and how it works. People that don’t belong to a credit union don’t always know what kind of things credit unions do for the community and what services they provide their members.

About your credit union – Sharing exactly what a credit union is and the advantages of being a member is a good first step the next would be providing information about your credit union. Things to include are the locations, products, hours of operation and how you can be a banking solution for those in the community.

Products and services – Your credit union probably offers a variety of products and services. By outlining the details of them visually can help your credit union connect with your members. You may help them discover solutions to some of their banking needs they wouldn’t otherwise know about.

Highlighting the credit union difference – Many people don’t completely understand the difference between credit unions and banks. By using an infographic, your can easily show the many advantages that a member would have with a credit union compared to a bank.

Social media efforts – There are so many different social media outlets today for businesses to use. By showcasing all of your social media efforts in an infographic, you can connect to members who may have no known your efforts on certain platforms. You can increase your following and at the same potential gain new members.

Financial help by age group – Incorporate financial help for each demographic: college aged kids, young adults, middle aged and senior citizens. By focusing each infographic on one demographic your credit union can tie into products and services that are available to that demographic. You can visually showcase solutions to their financial needs.

Presenting information in a visual forms means your credit union will be more likely to get its messaging across to its members since so many people learn visually.

CU Solutions Group can help your credit union create impactful infographics for your members. We can also help with your efforts in social media, SEO audits and website analytics. We can help you connect with your current members and reach new members like you never thought before! 

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