Obtaining new members can possibly be one of the hardest things your credit union needs to do. Whether you are a credit union that is open to all people or if you are a credit union for specific group like teachers, obtaining new members can be difficult at times. Here are five ways your credit union can gain new members.
- Reach directly out to your member base – Let’s say you are the type of credit union that is specifically open for teachers. Reaching out to your core demographic at the schools around your credit union can certainly increase your member base. Including a free financial assessment can also help bring in new members. If your credit union is the type of credit union that is open to the public, think of targeting a younger audience like college students. You could pass out flyers or offer free financial information on loans for college students.
- Spread the word on your loan rates – For people in the banking industry, it is widely known that credit unions offer lower rates on loans than banks do. However, the average consumer might not know this. Advertising your incredibly low interest rates with innovative targeted technology like Gas Station TV will help you get the word about your low rates on loans.
- Offer free financial workshops – One word that always perks up a person’s ears is the word free. Having free financial workshops posted at local schools and libraries can increase your new member numbers in no time. Workshop topics can include saving for college, saving for retirement and even basics of loans. Giving people the opportunity to learn about finances will earn their trust and likely gain you new members.
- Increase your social media efforts – There are so many different social media platforms today that even if you focus on just one, you can easily reach new members. Potential members of all ages and socioeconomic standings are posting and sharing on social media sites. If you don’t have a Facebook page or a Twitter account, start one! It’s an easy way to get information about your credit union out to current or potential members. You can even set up your Facebook account to include your business hours and other important information that your members like to be able to access quickly.
- Transform your technology – When was the last time you updated your website? If it’s been more than five years, your website is over-due for a tune up. With a website template you are only limited to your emanation when it comes to your site’s design. Website design and development teams can take your website from just a place to do banking, to the financial resource center people are looking for.
CU Solutions Group
can easily help your credit union gain new members! We make it simple with
innovative products and technologies like mobile sites and smartphone apps, video creation and social media campaigns. We can walk you through each and every step of how to take
your marketing efforts to the next level.
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