Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Should Your Credit Union's Next Website Look Like?

Okay, so you know your credit union’s website needs a revamp.  You have a mobile banking and app solution to meet the needs of members wanting to easily conduct transactions on their smartphone phones. But you may be asking yourself, should my website be more mobile-friendly as well? 

Your ultimate goal should be to be able to accommodate all of your credit union’s website users – regardless of how they access. According to Televox, mobile Internet has surpassed desktop use in 2013. In fact, mobile website traffic across all industries is growing 3.5% per month.  

Using responsive design—which detects which device is being used to determine how your website should be displayed—will give members a seamless experience between smartphone, tablet or PC. 

If your budget can’t absorb a complete revamp, we recommend you take your existing design and make it more responsive. Responsive design may still be a “buzz” word – but due to its usefulness and growing popularity – we don’t predict it will be for long.

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